The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Highways has issued a report highlighting how the use of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) can reduce carbon emissions and improve efficiencies on highways projects.
WMAs are manufactured and laid at lower temperatures than traditional asphalts, using less energy and delivering meaningful carbon savings without compromising performance. Their use can reduce CO2 emissions associated with asphalt production for road maintenance and construction projects by around 15%, depending on product and plant.
The use of WMAs also improves conditions for the workforce, plus, as less time is required to cool to trafficking temperatures, carriageways can be re-opened earlier – minimising disruption for road users. WMA already accounts for around 40% of production in the USA and over 15% in France, yet remains under-utilised in the UK, where it represents less than 4% of asphalt production.
Sir Christopher Chope OBE MP, Chairman, APPG on Highways, said: “Everyone has a part to play in tackling environmental issues for future generations and the majority of UK councils have already declared ‘climate emergencies’. This report aims to encourage those authorities which have responsibility for highways to put their support for environmental measures into practice without delay.”